Comprehensive research. Expert integration.
DrawBridge will generate a wide range of mission-critical information to facilitate transactions. This work may include the following:
- Collecting, aggregating and analyzing information in each of the following areas of critical interest to prospective buyers across the spectrum of relevant asset classes:
- Real estate market information
- Environmental conditions (known and potential)
- Regulatory status/assessment
- Property ownership and history
- Relevant incentives (federal, state and local)
- Stakeholders (governmental and private)
- Economic and demographic data
- Infrastructure identification and assessment
- Risk mitigation options/strategies
DrawBridge can provide multiple tools to facilitate potential agreements:
- GIS-based mapping tools and data management
- Site-specific and area-wide redevelopment and repositioning assessments
- Generating white papers, analytical reports and other documents/output regarding various topics and issues relevant to the financial, legal and practical feasibility of acquiring and redeveloping particular sites or portfolios (“DBS Reports”)
- Integrated risk-management and value-recovery options/alternatives and associated recommendations, as well as experienced implementation/execution resources and strategies